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Proforma for creating user ID/(transfering User Ids) for eTendering - Pdf
Proforma for creating user ID/(transfering User Ids) for eTendering - Excel
Form for creation of User IDs for Revenue Recovery Portal - RR Online - Pdf
Form for creation of User IDs for Revenue Recovery Portal - RR Online - Excel
Proforma for creation of Govt. eMail IDs for Offices - Pdf
Proforma for creation of Govt. eMail IDs for Offices - Excel
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) related information for SPARK
Confidential Report
a). BDOs/ADCs/Project Officers/Assistant Project Officers of DRDA
b). Senior Superintendents / Managers/ Administrative Assitants / Accounts officers
Form 13 : Application for Leave
Orders from Local Self Govt. Department
Orders from Finance Department
Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Application Forms